
Press Release – Merimbula Entrepreneurs Launch PhonicPath

For immediate release

Today PhonicPath is launching a new local business, developing an audio tour platform for tourists to enhance their experiences of local walks and drives. It will also provide a licenced opportunity for tourist operators, local government organisations and interested members of the public, to upload content for use in curated audio tours. These will be distributed to the public through a series of apps for iPhone, Android and Windows 8.

A phone app will play audio content as listeners reach a specific location. Visitors can choose locally sourced audio stories based on their interests and a variety of themes.

PhonicPath aims to value-add to local tourism, increasing the length of visitor stays, and communicating the rich local knowledge embedded in the cultural fabric of the region.

Carsten Eckelmann said, ‘the platform will give people a new way to experience their environment, and allow locals to share their knowledge.’
